The project reports are living examples of the work of EduCare e.V. They show very specifically what the money is used for.
Together with FLY & HELP we’ve built a school for 90 children in Peru. The community was involved in all construction measures.
Together with our partner FLY & HELP we are building an elementary school with three classrooms and storage space in Namibia.
Together with FLY & HELP we are building an earthquake-proof primary school with 8 classrooms including furniture, washrooms and a solar panel.
Together with FLY & HELP we are building a primary school with four classrooms including furniture in Myanmar.
Together with FLY & HELP, we are building an extended elementary school for approximately 175 children in Myanmar. The community is involved in the construction and maintenance.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, hospitals and care facilities lacked protective equipment. We helped quickly and unbureaucratically.
Master’s degree, four part-time jobs – and suddenly the diagnosis cancer. How EduCare e.V. helped the student to focus on his degree.
As in previous years, we enjoyed an unforgettable afternoon with 45 senior citizens at the Heilbronn Christmas Circus 2023.
After the “Corona break“, we experienced an unforgettable afternoon with 45 seniors at the Heilbronn Christmas Circus 2022.
After more than two years of abstinence, the first trip for senior citizens to the State Garden Show in Eppingen started on 20 September 2022.
Not everyone could afford to attend the Federal Garden Show 2019. EduCare e.V. visited the Bundesgartenschau with over 80 seniors citizens.
At the end of December, EduCare e.V. enabled a group of 55 seniors to visit the Christmas Circus 2019 in Heilbronn.